-Do your friends (what's left of them) say your social life is dwindling?
-Have you found yourself dreaming physics problems in your sleep and answering them correctly?
If you answered yes to all of these questions, you may be under a serious condition called Mechanical Engineering Major Educational Disorder (MEMED). If you feel that this condition applies to you, do not be afraid, for you are not alone. This condition is treatable as Mr. David Hasbrouck, founder and chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Recovery Institute (MERI), has discovered.
Hasbrouck and his fellow researchers are dedicated to the exploration of ways to help those diagnosed with MEMED to recover, and do so successfully. Hasbrouck has even gone as far as to welcome those recovering from MEMED to join his team. I am one such patient who has been fortunate enough to undergo his Five-Step Plan to recovery and be on this great team of researchers.
The Five-Step Plan is easy:
- Admit you have a problem with MEMED
- Recognize your lack of a social life due to an overabundance of work
- Realize you have a slow, yet growing level of hatred toward those who are not Mechanical Engineering majors
- Know that you hate your current major of Mechanical Engineering and you find it is costing you all of your treasures (money, friends, life, etc.)
- Change your major (Mathematics and Business are most popular) and begin the process of recovery (note that this may take the rest of your life)
I have undergone this Five-Step Plan and currently continue with step 5. I have to say all is well as I now have friends, more money, and something called spare time. So come and join me in your FREE trial of the Five-Step Plan to recovery from MEMED and together we can make your life and the the rest of the world better...in fact, you have my guarantee! *smiles with sparkling white teeth while a ping echos in the background*